Wednesday, February 22, 2012

guess what I'm fasting....

Today is "Ash Wednesday". It is the day that traditionally begins a season that the modern church calls "Lent". It starts the season where we begin to prepare ourselves for contemplating what Christ did through His sacrifice ("Good Friday") and resurrection ("Easter" Sunday).  Those are a lot of "Christian-ese" type words we throw around this time of year, but what do they really mean?

Ash Wednesday - This tradition started in the 1500's. It was a way to get people into church. And back then, it meant another way to get money into the church's coffers (an unfortunate truth of the early catholic church). Traditionally, it begins 46 days before Easter. The ashes rubbed on a person's forehead are indicative of the ancient practice for mourning (going back centuries before Christ). Traditionally, a sacrifice would be burned in the temple for atonement, and the ashes would be placed on the forehead of the person who made the sacrifice, showing all that they were in mourning for their sins. This is where the practice of the ashes is derived.
In many of today's churches, the ashes are from the burned remains of last year's palm fronds from the Palm Sunday service. Many Christians will go to church today, participate in some kind of service and receive the ashes.  Many of these people will go back to work, out to lunch, get their oil changed - whatever the day's event may be - with big black stains on their heads, signifying that they have "repented for atonement and are mourning their sins". (Unless - of course - there is an important client or somewhere fancy to go. Then it promptly gets washed off!)
It's good to repent and mourn our sins. It is good to have the atonement that comes only through a relationship with the ever-living Christ.  But do we need to wear it like a sense of pride?  This will be answered later...

Lent - Comes from translations of Greek to Latin to early Germanic languages meaning "40 days" or the "fortieth day". It has a similar background as Ash Wednesday relating to dates and reasoning.
Here is my favorite definition of Lent, "The traditional purpose of Lent is the penitent preparation of the believer—through prayer, penance, repentance, alms-giving, and self-denial."
Many churches encourage us to "give up something for lent".   And many times, during Lent, I hear people talking about what they are "sacrificing". They talk about giving up Facebook or TV. They tell of the awesome sacrifice of "no chocolate" for 40 days!  But is this what true fasting is?
Jesus gave us many guidelines during His few years of ministry on earth. One of the things He gave us was an instruction on how to fast appropriately. Here are His words from Matthew 6:16-18 (NIV):
“When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."
He is very direct about telling us to wash the ashes off of our faces, and do not be obvious to others! Fasting is between you and God ONLY!.  
Though Jesus doesn't give a definition of what fasting is, we can understand what He means by understanding the way He fasted. The abstaining from food.  Biblically (and traditionally in Ancient Israel), that's what fasting is! Fasting is giving up something we NEED. Not a luxury item or something we can easily do without for 40 days. It's not about sacrificing the crumbs from a feast when we are already full

According to status updates, a lot of people have given up Facebook or texting for Lent this year. And while that's nice, is it really sacrifice? It's funny (in a sad sort of way) when we see someone saying that they are giving up Facebook for Lent, but then they are in a constant whirl of texting to stay informed. The texts, emails and talk time on the cell phones skyrocket! But hey... I'm "sacrificing" Facebook!

I don't participate in a Lenten fast myself (and if I did, I wouldn't tell you). I need to be in a constant attitude of repentance and prayer, year-round. I need to be on my face daily, not once a year.  Lenten fasting, to me, is a Band-Aid at best, and a full-blown delusion of righteousness at worse.  
I don't judge people who tell me that they are fasting for Lent. For some, it helps them get  closer to God. Unfortunately, for most, it's nothing more than the "flavor-of-the-month" trend that makes them fell better about themselves and fit in with their peers. And that's just sad.

If you would like to have a Lenten fast, I say, "Go for it!" But please, do it with the correct heart.  My recommendation is to start by asking God what He needs you to sacrifice, listen to Him and then do it.  If you need an accountability partner, tell one or two people or share with your small group. But remember... There's a difference between sharing a need for accountability and bragging!

penitent prayer, penance, repentance, alms-giving, self-denial - Lent

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

you will go out in joy...

Isaiah 55:12 proclaims,
"You will go out in joy
   and be led forth in peace;
the mountains and hills
   will burst into song before you,
and all the trees of the field
   will clap their hands."

I love living a life of joy!  I mean, really having joy permeate everything you are.  Joy is an essential and integral part of Christian existence, and more personally, my existence. The thought of "going out in joy" is a wonderful thing!  can you imagine waling out your daily life with absolute joy in your heart.  God shows us the evidence of that type of life: "The mountains and the hills will burst into song before you and the trees of the field will clap their hands".  
Wow! What a proposal!  How I long to live with that much joy in my life.

In the the Gospel of Luke, Jesus is asked by the Pharisees to admonish his followers, "Teacher, rebuke your disciples", they said. This happened as Jesus was riding in to Jerusalem on (what we call) Palm Sunday. But here's where the point of joy comes in. At hearing the Pharisees' request, Jesus simply answered, "If they keep quiet, the stones will cry out"! The joy of knowing and being in the presence of Christ is so great that if no one were to sing his praise, the rocks on the ground would. Those cold, hard, dead, inanimate objects would burst into songs of praise (if we don't).

The Old Testament prophet, Nehemiah is know for his wonderful quote, "The joy of the Lord is my strength." It is so true - No joy, no strength. But it is rarely read in context.  Nehemiah had been walking out faith with the people of Israel for years. They were rebuilding the city and rebuilding their faith in God.  This quote didn't come out of a party or from decadence of prosperity. It came from seeking God and relying on Him when there was nothing else.

As Donna and I have been freed by the Holy Spirit to pursue His awesome plan for us, we are rediscovering joy.  There is, at times, overwhelming joy that springs up like a fresh stream, pouring out from our hearts, generously and joyfully! I smile more, and I am way less stressed out. There have been no mountains or hills bursting into song, nor has there been stones coming to life.  What there has been is a renewing of our spirits and a refreshing of our joy.

I still have no idea where God is taking us. But I do have joy know that it is God who is taking us! I am content to lay back in the river of his will and be swept along as he orders the details and directs my path.

I've got the joy, joy, joy joy, down in my heart. Down in my heart to stay!