Tuesday, March 27, 2012

more lenten thoughts...

I discussed the concept of Lent in an earlier post. I wrote of fasting and contemplation.  This post is a little different.  The lighter (and tastier) side of Lent - In fact, my two favorite results of Lent...

1) Waffles!  Did you know waffles are a product of the Lenten fast?  The root of the word "waffle" is the same as the word "wafer". 
Several hundred years ago in Europe, good, God-fearing Christians would fast food during Lent. No food at all... with one exception.  When they partook in The Lord's Supper or communion, they were allowed to eat the "host" or the wafer that the priest gave them.  Soon, people realized that it was okay to eat wafers everyday - in communion with Christ of course!  As this trend progressed through the years, wafer makers and bakers started producing bigger and bigger wafers to help curb the parishioners hunger as the days drew on until Easter.
Soon, wafers evolved into "eggy", leavened treats (as opposed to the dry, tasteless, unleavened wafers you got at the church). They were tasty, malty and covered with powdered sugar.  The ultimate Lenten loophole!

2) Bock/Dark Beer.  Monks in Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia had an epiphany of their own.  This was not necessarily a "holy epiphany", but it was most definitely inspired (and involved spirits)!  During Lent, hard-working Christians began losing energy.  No protein, no carbs, no "nothing"!   And while they were forbidden to eat during the ritual fast (except the wafer on Sundays), they could still drink an assortment of beverages. These groups of monks started brewing heartier beers. They brewed with more malt and darker roasted barley.  This produced a drink that was darker in color and deeper in taste. The primary result, though, was that these beers, though low in alcohol (about 3-3.5%) they were fortified with almost double the carbohydrates.  It was tasty, it was refreshing and it was good for you! 
It became common for people to imbibe regularly during the day. The masses became more productive and Brothers of those orders became what we would call today micro-brew artisans.

Bock Beer and Waffles... Happy Lenten fasting to us all!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Today, I watched (again) a YouTube video from last year's Resurrection Day Dance. It's a video put out by Up to Faith, Hungary, and is the world's largest flashmob!  38 groups from countries and cities around the world participated in last year's celebration of Christ's resurrection on Easter. Some were very small (in fact, the one from Australia was a single dancer) some were very large - up to thousands gathered on Hero's Square in the heart of Budapest; all were celebrating!  

Here's the link if you want to check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRaUnR1XtgQ
To think, that thousands of people took the time on Easter morning to celebrate Jesus' amazing triumph over the grave... How wonderful.

But that's not the topic of today's post. Today, it's about my heart's response...
Every time I watch this video, my heart is moved to my throat, and my eyes begin to well-up with tears.  What am I doing to impact the world? I watch as Chinese believers boldly go into the streets to dance and praise; I see people from countries that used to be closed to the Gospel (Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, China, etc..) in public, dancing to a song of praise; and my heart longs to be there.  I want to see those countries. I want to minister to those people. I want to share the grace that God has poured out so generously to me.  I want to go!  

"Where do you want me, God?", is a question I've asked a lot in the last year or so (more-so than usual). My longing to go supersedes my funding greatly.  I would love to just get on a plane and go, but I know that the money it would cost would be a hardship for us.  That's not the point, though.  I know God will provide when it is time.  Wherever he puts us, there will be money set aside for regular mission trips!

We have started trying to live a little more simply now. We've been selling off possessions and have been trying to be better stewards... not so that we could buy more or even save more, but instead, that we might give more away. We are so blessed. our deepest desire is to pass along that blessing.  I need to go, not as a tourist, nor as a sight-seer, but deliberately as one who brings Good News!

“you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8  (NIV)

Monday, March 5, 2012

...just wait...

It's now been over 2 months since I left my position at CHPC. And as we continue to pray where God would have us, we keep hearing "wait".  So patiently, we are waiting.
I have continued to look for ministry positions, send in resumes, and work around the house. I've also taken on a couple side jobs to keep from sinking too far into debt.  We are still trying to pare down our lives and our possessions in preparation for whatever or wherever God has around the corner.  It's been quite liberating to try to live simply.
Our roles have changed a little bit in the past couple of months. I have been grocery shopping and cooking (which I really have missed and thoroughly enjoy). I will be taking over the household bills and expenses soon. It's very different but very cool to be part of a team with my best friend - We work very well together.
My request, when people ask, remains the same... Please pray!  Pray for guidance, pray for the right position, pray for patience as we await our calling.