Monday, January 2, 2012

and so it begins...

As I counted down the last few seconds of 2011, I counted my last few seconds of employment at CHPC.  My emotions ran wild - Excited, scared, unsure, FREE!  But what has God freed me to do?  Where will 2012 take us?

I sat at the table with some of my dearest friends on New Year's Day. We had just finished brunch and went around the table with our prayer requests for the upcoming 12 months. Mine was simple (at first) - A new ministry position (not "a job", thank you).  Then as each person shared their requests, my heart grew heavier.  This decision, this faith step is more than just quitting a job and finding a new one. It's a challenge of faith - my faith.  

I feel like Noah building the ark.   
Yes...I believe God told me to do this (without a shadow of a doubt). And yes... I may look very foolish to some. But I will proceed and I will be fulfilled by God! 

Think about this... Even if the floods never came, Noah would still have been commended as faithful and obedient to the Lord.

I must admit, that there are times when fear grabs hold. There I times when I think, "What am I doing?  Why am I leaving this wonderful position? How am we going to survive?" Then I repent and realize that I am not in control, nor have I ever been.  This is not my life, my job, my house - These are just things that God has given me stewardship over for a time.

I will move forward in the freedom of Christ. I will continue to extol His faithfulness. And I will continue to build that ark - no matter how foolish I may seem.

"For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." 1 Corinthians 18 (NIV)

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