Yesterday, I took the day to pray and fast. I put the day's "stuff" on hold and just sought the Father. It's important what went into that - It wasn't just a "wake up in the morning and decide to fast" moment. For me, it had to be planned. I put it on my calendar and prayed about it and prepared my heart and my physical self for it.
What a day it was. I had so many breakthroughs! Paul writes, in several of his epistles, to be "in a constant attitude of prayer" or "to pray without ceasing". Yesterday, I was able to experience that in a new way. This was not the first time I've fasted, nor was it the first time I devoted a large chunk of time to prayer; but for some reason, God showed up! Now, I know know God is always there and that He is always at work. But yesterday was special. I think it had less to do with God "showing up" and was more about God removing the "stuff" that was in the way of me seeing him. It was like the earplugs had been pulled-out, and my eyes were opened.
With all of that being said, there were no major revelations, no discernibly path. What there was, was a tangible presence - a peace that wrapped around me like a winter fog. It was intense and it was refreshing! It was scary and it was freeing! God is so good!
There are still many decision to be made. There is a move in the future - whether it be a physical move or just a spiritual move is still up in the air. There are still many prayers to pray and songs to sing! But there is God... and He is with me!
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