Friday, June 29, 2012


I am amazed at the faithfulness in prayer displayed by our friends. For over 9 months, we have sent countless emails and have had numerous conversations about our new path in life.  We have had dinners and small group meetings where the conversation seemed to dwell on the prayer needs of this transition. We even had some of our closest friends reading through the book, Listening Hearts with us in an attempt to hear what God was speaking to us.
Our friends have been so faithful!

It's hard to go through a transition in life. Even the exciting ones.  The ambiguity of the future and even of the current situation to which you are surrendering yourself can be draining on you heart, your soul, your mind, your strength.  God has truly made us holistic beings, and every part of us needs to be fed, encouraged, nurtured and loved.  
Our friends are loving!

It seems like only last week that we had a picnic on the deck with several friends gathered - the ones that had read the aforementioned book.  We ate, we shared stories and we laughed a lot!  Then, after dinner, our friends gathered around us, laid hands on us and prayed. We cried.  They cried.  They shared words from the Lord.  They prayed in earnest with heart and love. They showered us with their supplications and we were blessed!  
Our friends are warriors!

So... in just a few days we move to Grove City.  Not leaving our friends, but knowing that it's just a longer commute to have lunch!  We know that our closest friendships will endure. Truly, this is a crucible to refine us and our friendships.  We know that there are already new friends, just waiting to be made - new people that God has placed just for us! It doesn't make it easy to leave the ones we love, just a little more safe. Our door is always open - come visit for a while. 

All in all, we are thankful to an awesome God - who knows us and our needs, and surrounds with amazing friends!  

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